How to Open SAGA SAF-D-POSIT Safe ‏ 001

How to Open a SAGA SAF-D-POSIT safe. Imported safe, company no longer in business. No combination available from dealer. SAGA SAF-D-POSIT safes are very similar to Sentry Safes. If you have the combination it will be 3 numbers and very similar to Sentry Safes. 4x Left...

Sentry 1250 Safe

Sentry 1250 Safe (already open, no combination) 1) “Progess” it. Take the back of the safe off and dial the combination. If it is locked. 1) Manipulate it. 2) Drill it. Drop-in is at 75. 3) 60 different combinations to try (unreliable and slow) Note: in...