Cutting Keys by code on the ITL 950C | Mr. Locksmith Blog. For further information go to Mr. Locksmith Training.
I have lots of ITL code machines and generally they have been fantastic. However, the past couple of years service and repairs have been extremely poor. I have a difficult time recommending the ITL becasue of poor service. Also, the ITL MMX has been plagued with mailfunctions. Combined with poor service, warrently and non-warrently, I cannot recommend the ITL MMX. Also, when I called ITL about a 10 year ITL 950C that needed some minor repairs they stated “they don’t fix ITLs over 10 years old.” I can understand it, however, ITL still sells the exact same machine! I have two (2) twenty-five (25) year old Franmon Code Machines and two (2) Borkey Key machines that must be 35 years old and still work perfect.
Note: I have 10+ ITLs and 5 MMXs so I know what I am talking about. I recommend you check out other comments and reviews online.
Now to the point: Today I am going to cut a Schlage key by code and then I will cut a Weiser key, so you can see the difference. I will turn the machine on and it automatically calibrates every time we turn it on, so just follow the instructions. Move the vice to the right.” So this would be moving this clockwise. Move it to the right, and then it says, “Move it to the left.” And that just resets the calibration. Right off the bat, this, this machine is defaulted right to the Schlage. However, you can change the default if you read the instructions. You can change it to any default you want. Schlage is pretty good. I got to take my 5-cut Schlage and put it into the vice.
You flip up the shoulder guide, lock her down, make sure the shoulder guide’s out of the way, and because I have a Schlage, I’m just gonna go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 5-cut. I hit “code,” “cut,” move this clockwise. You’ll see, the bars will go down slowly. And again, you have to keep even, steady pressure or turning. Then it’s going go to numbers. Then it’s going to start. The second it starts, you turn it counter-clockwise. Turn it all the way, remove the key. Very, very simple. No burrs on it. It’s a carbide cutter. It’s a great machine.
So now I want to cut a Weiser key. It really doesn’t matter what domestic key you want to cut. You just have to look up the type of manufacturer it is for the ITL. This time, we’re going to do the Weiser. So I’m going to again, put it in, measure it with the shoulder, make sure the guide’s out of the way. Now Wiser, I know it by heart. It’s 1 6 7 is the manufacturer. Again, I’m just for simplicity’s sake, I’m just going to cut a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then I go, “code,” “cut.” Turn it clockwise. Slow and steady. The bars will go down. We’ll go to numbers. When it hits zero, then it will, the machine will start. Go the other way. Follow the instructions all the way to the left, and there is our Weiser key cut.
In conclusion, I have a difficult time recommending the ITL becasue of poor repair service. Also, the ITL MMX has been plagued with mailfunctions. Combined with poor service, warrently and non-warrently, I cannot recommend the ITL code machines.
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ITL 950C Code Machine