New On-Line Locksmith Training Coming Soon! | Mr. Locksmith Training

New On-Line Locksmith Training Coming Soon! | Mr. Locksmith Training

New On-Line Locksmith Training Coming Soon! | Mr. Locksmith Training Sign up now for all future updates go to Mr. Locksmith Training. Hi I am Terry Whin-Yates from Mr. Locksmith Training and I have the Best On-Line Locksmith Training and Hands-on Locksmith...
My Favorite Daily Lock Picks | Mr. Locksmith™ Blog

My Favorite Daily Lock Picks | Mr. Locksmith™ Blog

My Favorite Daily Lock Picks | Mr. Locksmith™ Blog For further information go to Mr. Locksmith Training. Hi I am Terry Whin-Yates from Mr. Locksmith™. I always get asked what’s my favorite picks. I love all picks. I collect pick sets. Some of my favorite are the...
How to rekey a Strattec Ford Focus Ignition 707592 Kit | Mr. Locksmith Blog

How to rekey a Strattec Ford Focus Ignition 707592 Kit | Mr. Locksmith Blog

How to rekey a Strattec Ford Focus Ignition 707592 Kit | Mr. Locksmith Blog For further information go to Mr. Locksmith Training  Ford Focus ignitions are a huge money maker for locksmiths. Those sidebar ignitions have been failing like crazy. When they first started...
How to rekey a Strattec Ford Ignition 707624 Kit | Mr. Locksmith Blog

How to rekey a Strattec Ford Ignition 707624 Kit | Mr. Locksmith Blog

How to rekey a Strattec Ford Ignition 707624 Kit | Mr. Locksmith Blog For further informaiton go to Mr. Locksmith Training In this video, we’re gonna show you how to rekey step-by-step, a Ford ignition. This is a Strattec Ford Ignition kit #707624. The kit has...
Open Recalled and Not Recalled Sentry Safes in Seconds | Mr. Locksmith

Open Recalled and Not Recalled Sentry Safes in Seconds | Mr. Locksmith

Open Recalled and Not Recalled Sentry Safes in Seconds | Mr. Locksmith For further info go to Mr. Locksmith Both Electronic Sentry Safes look the same but different serial numbers. The first Sentry Safe is on the recall list and the second Sentry Safe is not on the...