Open Dog & Bone Smart Lock in Seconds Without Sign Of Entry!
For further information go to Mr. Locksmith Dog & Bone Locksmart Padlock.
The New Dog & Bone Locksmart Keyless Bluetooth Padlock joins the list of new High Tech Locks that can be opened in seconds using very basic By-Pass Techniques. Dog & Bones Padlocks now joins the list of other Smart Locks that can be opened in seconds . Kwickset, Weiser, Baldwin, Stanley SmartKey locks are quickly all opened using the “Dumb Key Force Tool” or just a screwdriver.
Dog & Bones on their website state “LockSmart enjoys security comparable to a bank!” I open bank safes and locks and I can tell you I can not bypass without “signs of entry” or open is seconds teller safes and vaults in seconds!
The Dog & Bones Padlock and many other new High Tech Locks are reqularly written and reviewed by Tech Writers for months to years before a Locksmith or Security Professaional can get their hands on a sample. When we do, look out! I invited Jonathan Yaniv, Editor In Chief – ( who writes reviews of new products and he was shocked how easy it was to open the padlock with just a pop can. When I shimmed open the padlock with my pop can shims Jonathan stated “thats quicker than actually pulling out your phone and opening it up with the app.”Directly out of the box the Dog & Bone Locksmart Keyless Bluetooth Padlock was opened in seconds with the most simple bypass techique known to amaturers and professionals, I shimed the padlock. I didn’t use professional high strength spring steel shims, I made a set of shims from an aluminum Root Beer can.
Anybody can go on the Internet or YouTube and find hundreds if not thousands of videos on how to defeat inexpensive padlocks. Shimming is only one simple bypass technique. I have not even started my other simple bypass methods or ramped up to High Tech Bypass Methods.
The Dog & Bone padlock is not inexpensive, it costs $90.00+ USD. You would expect some very basic built in physcial methods to defeat simple shim bypass technquies. Some $10 padlocks can not be defeated with aluminum soda can shims.
Sorry, but the Dog & Bone Locksmart Keyless Bluetooth Padlock FAILED!
I look forward to testing more of these Smart Locks and lets see what other methods I can use to open this and other Smart Locks in seconds.
Note: This video and a more detailed video defeating the Dog & Bone Locksmart Padlock was sent to the company prior to this posting and they have not provided any comment to date.
Don’t Trust Locks That Pretend to be Smart!

Mr. Locksmith Opens Dog & Bone LockSmart in Seconds

Mr. Locksmith Opens Dog & Bone LockSmart in Seconds

Mr. Locksmith Opens Dog & Bone LockSmart in Seconds with Shims!

Mr. Locksmith Opens Dog & Bone LockSmart in Seconds with Shims!

Mr. Locksmith Opens Dog & Bone LockSmart in Seconds
Visit my website for On-line and Hands-on Locksmith Training Dates and Cities near you for Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced Locksmithing as well as my Covert Methods of Entry, Non-destructive Methods of Entry and to purchase the Famous “Dumb Key Force Tool” that opens Smart Key locks in seconds go to Mr. Locksmith Become a Locksmith.
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