by Terry | Nov 3, 2016 | Blog, Mr. Locksmith, Open Sentry Safe, Open Sentry Safe with Magnet, Open Sentry Safe with Rare Earth Magnet, Recalled Sentry Safe, Safe Opening Video Training, Safes, Sentry Safes, Terry Whin-Yates
Open Recalled and Not Recalled Sentry Safes in Seconds | Mr. Locksmith For further info go to Mr. Locksmith Both Electronic Sentry Safes look the same but different serial numbers. The first Sentry Safe is on the recall list and the second Sentry Safe is not on the...
by Terry | Sep 21, 2015 | Blog, Locksmithing, Safe Opening Video Training, Safes, Training Video
First Training Video in our new Safe Opeing Series: “How to Open Sentry Electronic Safes Models “S” Series 123 Four (4) Bolt Fire Resistant Safes.” BUY THIS VIDEO NOW Sentry Safes is the largest manufacturer of Safes in North America and this...